A performance about Jewish women and Sex.
Truly wonderful and fantastic. Theatre Alive An eye opener... fun.. entertaining. Theatre People According to Jewish law a woman's right to sex is one of a wife's three basic rights (along with food and clothing!). This performance explores the Talmudic injunctions on the quantity and quality of sex that a man must deliver. Performed and written by Deborah Leiser-Moore Directed by Richard Moore THE FILM Thank G-d is a short film based on the performance piece written by Deborah Leiser–Moore. It’s a tale of female empowerment and liberation. While reading the pages of the Talmud a religious woman discovers the little known, but very specific, injunctions about the quantity and quality of sex that a man must deliver. For example, “According to the Law, workers such as weavers, tailors, builders and other such similar men, who work in the same city, are required to be sexually intimate twice a week.” The film is a testament to woman and a humorous reminder to the male species of their obligations in the bedroom. Australian Jewish News: |
2018 Screened at JIFF in Sydney, Melbourne, Canberra, Brisbane and Perth Performance history: Performance Space, Sydney Loco Cafe, Melbourne, as part of Directors Cut Australian Centre for the Moving Image, Melbourne Malthouse Theatre, Melbourne (Things On Sunday) |